I like to think of myself as a spur-of-the-moment kind of person.
Hello! This is a blog. Upon its completion, there will be one month's worth of daily posts, where every day there will be something different, unique, and hopefully interesting. I had the idea to create this blog exactly 5 minutes before the time of me writing this, and decided to follow through with it about 3 minutes later. I have never done anything like this before, and have no idea how people will react to it. But that answer will remain unknown unless I do it, so lets find that out together. We'll have to think of it like an experiment, with the results out of sight until it is finished.
I am a firm believer that long term success is just a string of short term successes. The most impressive books are the ones that can survive for a multiple installment series, namely things like Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia. There is power in numbers. My hope with this blog is that, even though each individual post might not be something especially incredible (but I hope each one is), it will still stand on its own when it is done, and be something special. Thirty days of whatever I might feel needs to be said, written for anyone who is interested to read it. Small daily projects to make one success after a month.
So, welcome! I will not promise anything in terms of overall quality that this blog will have to offer, but I will promise to try and create something that is worth the time to visit each day. Posts may be relating to news, to something that happened to me that day, to something that might be bothering me, or to something completely random. Everyone has ideas to share - I'll try to think of a few that people would want to hear. We'll see what happens as we go.
One month of words, beginning now.
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