Thursday, December 23, 2010

Better Late Than Never

The date of this blog post is the 23rd of December.

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "But wait, wasn't there supposed to be a blog post every day for a month?" The answer to that is yes. Yes, there are indeed supposed to be posts for every single day for a month. So, what happened yesterday?

Well, things happen and plans change. Posting was on my mind all day, but I could not find time to do it. It was a travel and work day, yielding very little time for posting on the blog. Even right now I am still very busy, but I am getting the post for yesterday done.

Growing up, any time I was obligated to go to any event that I didn't want to go to, I would hide from my parents and stay away from the car so I would end up being "late." In my mind, being late meant that it was unacceptable to still go. But no, that is never the case. There's always a chance to make up for lost time. I always wanted to put things off until it was, in my mind, morally wrong to continue to do it due to how late I was. No. Being late means nothing, and sometimes being late can make a situation better.

Later today I will post a second blog. And, to make up for breaking the rule of "a post a day," I will again put up two posts tomorrow as well.

Better late than never, as they say.

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