Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The only constant thing in life is change.

Many an essay that I have written in my life has included the above sentence. I don't know if that is a direct quote from anyone that has said it before, and I don't mean to take credit for it if that is the case. But darn it, if there is one thing in this life that I believe in completely, it's that.

You were an egg inside another person. You were length of about three skin cells. Something the size of one skin cell came along and changed you. You started growing, still inside this person, and were born. Your naive baby eyes fell upon different shapes and colors, your tiny lungs inhaled their first gulps of oxygen, your skin was as smooth and pristine as it will ever be, and you knew virtually nothing. You then began to walk, talk, interpret,   learn, understand, experience, pass judgment, use, create, and be. The little skin cell sized fleck of an object that you once were is now a sentient and completely unique person. I can tell you right now that few more than zero things in your life right now are as they were since the beginning.

It blows my mind how people become who they are. More importantly, it's hard to believe how much a person can be different from how they used to be. Personally, I used to never like computers. I liked video games and the idea of technology and what it could do, but I hated computers. To young me, a computer was the thing that my dad had to use when he worked and couldn't play with me. He has worked from home for a long time, so it used to be a complete tease that he was right in the next room but unavailable. But, that's different now. I love computers. I use my laptop all the time. In fact, so do tons of people. They're useful, and I'm glad they're around. The same scenario happens to pretty much everyone - you don't like something, then you do. You never try something for a long time, but then love it as soon as you do. You hate something your whole life, but then you grow to enjoy it.

People sometimes say "Don't change who you are." That's quite possibly the worst advice to ever give to anyone. You might as well say "Stop breathing." Yes, the idea is that you are supposed to just be yourself and become a better person without embodying the traits of others too much. But to not expect any change from any one person is completely unreasonable. Who you are is made up of things you pick up from other people. You only ever try to change for the better anyway, so change should be welcomed by every other person in your life. Imagine a relationship situation where one of the two in the couple is unhappy with the other, and their reasoning for it is because they have "changed." Well... yes, yes they have. The fact that they are saying that should solidify the validity of their relationship, because I'm pretty sure if they were stuck with the same personalities for the whole relationship.... it wouldn't last very long.

I might end up changing this post later... Nah, I'll leave it. But who knows, maybe I will change my mind later.

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